Race Suit Wash 250ml


Racesuit and Swimsuit wash is a chlorine neutraliser, designed to make your precious gear last longer! Turns harmful residues of chlorine into harmless salt Removes chlorine odour. Protects fine swimwear from bleaching and fabric damage caused by...

Racesuit and Swimsuit wash is a chlorine neutraliser, designed to make your precious gear last longer!

  • Turns harmful residues of chlorine into harmless salt
  • Removes chlorine odour.
  • Protects fine swimwear from bleaching and fabric damage caused by chlorine residues.
  • Gives swimwear a stronger, brighter and more colourful life.
  • Leaves your suit smelling fresh.
  • Just two capfuls into a basin of tap water for two minutes
  • Manufactured in New Zealand

SKU: TL23001.250ml